Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Endo Story, Part 2

My next episode was about 6 months later. It was May and I was home from school for the summer. It was late at night, I had been woken up by severe pain in my lower abdomen, I came upstairs and was walking around trying to alleviate the pain. I ended up throwing up and nearly collapsing. I was very weak and scared. I was only 18 at the time. I remember slowly making my way down the hallway, crawling as best I could. I made it to my younger sister's room and woke her up, asking her to wake Mom and Dad for me, I knew I didn't have it in me.

My parents were very concerned, as was I. My mom ended up taking me to the ER. I remember being so embarrassed that I was being examined, as I was having my period. There was a bunch of doctors in the room, I would guess about 7 or so different personnel. They decided that I was being dramatic, that I was just having cramps. But they suggested I see a Gynecologist just in case.

I did. After telling him of my symptoms he asked if I had had any previous incidents like this one. Only then did I connect what had happened to me back in November. He seemed to be expecting that. He then began explaining Endometriosis to me. Telling me that it sounded like the beginning signs. He told me to expect it to get much worse, gradually at first, and then more often. He said it would eventually get to be every month, and then it could get so bad that I might have symptoms even when I wasn't on my period. He also explained to me that this illness greatly lessened my chances of having children. And that eventually I would likely have to have a hysterectomy.

I was horrified. For months I obsessed over my 'diagnosis' (it wasn't official yet, they could only diagnos for certain with Laparoscopy, right now it was just 'suspected'). I was constantly looking up information online and freaking myself out more and more. I was letting it take over my life. I was worrying whether or not I would ever have children, worrying about when the next episode would hit me and on and on. Luckily I had aome amazing friends that really helped me through things. Eventually I was able to move on a bit and not let it consume me.

The episodes got more and more frequent, but for me, I wouldn't say anymore intense. Maybe sometimes, but not in general. I was put on a constant loop of birth control (meaning that they had me skip the placebos and only take the active pills). Doing so helped a lot, it didn't fix things, but it made it easier to lead a normal life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erin, I am so glad you shared this. I don't think I knew this. When I was reading your post that said you are sick a lot I was wondering what was wrong. You are amazing. I'm so happy that you have you're two sweet little boys. I am so sorry about your miscarriage. What a heartbreaking thing to go through. It is so amazing and comforting knowing that we will be able to see our loved ones again. I've never had a miscarriage but I know that it would be one of the hardest things to face. I've been very close to several people who have had them and it's is absolutely heartbreaking. You have a great attitude about still being thankful for what you have. It is ok to still be sad about it. You are fully entitled. And I think you did a great job of explaining to your sweet boy what happened and that you'll get to be with the baby again. We love you guys and if you ever need ANYTHING let us know. My number is 801-885-7421. Send our love to your family.
